Special Symposium at Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference

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The Midwest Landscape Initiative will host an all-day symposium Putting Regional Collaboration into Practice on Tuesday, February 14 at the Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference in Overland Park, Kansas.

The morning session of the symposium will include an overview of the Midwest Landscape Initiative and progress on implementing recommendations for improved regional coordination around State Wildlife Action Plans and Landscape Conservation. This session will present the draft Midwest Conservation Blueprint. Attendees will engage in this session by identifying ways they can use the Blueprint.

The afternoon session will focus on presentations by partners to share information and updates about their landscape-scale conservation efforts and planning tools. Presentation examples include the Midwest Grassland Roadmap, the Upper Mississippi Great Lakes Joint Venture, the National Fish Habitat Partnership, a tool for enhancing connectivity between aquatic habitats, and climate adaptation decision support tools for wetland conservation practitioners. The symposium will end with a presentation and discussion about leveraging funding opportunities for the Midwest region.

Our work is enhanced by the diversity of backgrounds and perspectives shared. To that end, we encourage all to attend.